Saturday, 10 August 2019

Post Zero


I've set up this blog as a space where we can discuss all aspects of Agile transformation, how to approach it,  involving case studies, personal experiences, examples of transformation in action (and examples of transformation inaction :-) , articles, knowledge sharing and general advice to help our community members with the chalelnges we all face on any sphere of Agile adoption, practice and transformation be it at the team level, Agile Release Train level or organisational.

We're all here to learn from one another. Even though I set up this blog, this blog belongs to all who visit it. Consider this a park bench where we all drop by, stay a while, sometimes  brief, sometimes longer and talk about the things on our minds so that we learn and grow on the never end journey that is Agile.

I know many other blogs exist out there and that's great but there's always room in the public square for another market stall.

Let me emphasise that I'm not an expert or a sage-on-a-stage or anything like that. I know a good bit yes but so do we all. I'm not going to use this blog as a personal vanity project or a finger-wagging forum for putting the world to rights.

Collaboration is the name of the game so let's start as we mean to go on!

Story Description
Setting up a positive blog experience for all who visit and read it

Acceptance Criteria
Given opening the blog
When you post an article
Then thank you for being a contributor

Given perusing the blog
When you read an article
Then you will have learned something useful

Given contributing to the blog
When engaging with one another
Than thank you for being collaborative

Given when someone is hot tempered
When they post abusive comments
Then they and their posts will be moderated or in extremis, removed

So Why is the Post named Sprint Zero?
It's a word play on the Sprint Zero concept. 
Sprint Zero is the preparatory time period where teams get ready for Agile delivery. This can last as long as the teams needs but typically, anywhere between 2-5 weeks. 

During Sprint Zero:

  • Teams are formed
  • Agile training is given
  • Workshops are held
  • Ceremonies are practiced
  • Product Backlog is populated 
  • Estimation technique is agreed
  • Team agreement is formed
  • Definition of Ready/Done are agreed
  • Sprint length is agreed.
  • Date for Sprint 1 to formally start is agreed

There is a lot of material online about Sprint Zero and the do's and don'ts but here's a good place as any to start:

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